From subsecret
Linux has many advantages over Mac and Window that make it potentially much easier to install:
- It is free - no need to bother user with serial numbers, etc.
- The kernel comes with all drivers, no need to ask user for ethernet & disk driver before install
- Possible to do a network installation of Linux, without any need for later updating packages
However there are lot of small annoyances while installing Linux (here Fedora 18)
- Even when having more than 8 GB of memory, it will not copy the base-system from USB/CD to memory before launching. The CD will keep spinning up/down every time you access anything not in cache during installation. When using a livecd as rescue method, this is particular annoying as everything gets really slow to work with.
- Installation cd's are never updated after initial release, even through they have many bugs. Since very few users test the livecd before final release, a lot of bugs are found after release. These gets fixed in updates, but it never gets to the installation media. As a consequences you might be unable to install Fedora on a new system, even though the system could work after an update.